Dear consumer,

in this particular moment that involves all of us in facing an unprecedented health and social emergency, ASIPO adheres to the promotional campaign of Italia Ortofrutta ( ) and we are relaunching their message.

We are all even more committed to defending the work and profitability of agricultural businesses.

Our sector, today more than ever, become strategic for the protection of the country. The closure of borders and the limitation of mobility, in addition to the constant state of widespread danger, make it difficult not only human relationships, but also the development of the daily workload.

An effort that all producers are making to guarantee the Italians the fresh food necessary for an healthy and daily diet.

For this reason ASIPO has decided to participate in the awareness campaign launched by Italia Ortofrutta aimed at promoting the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables of Italian origin. Here the hastag: #iocomproitaliano that is the translation of #Ibuyitalian

We also want to reassure you that the tomato marketed by ASIPO, grown by our producers in the Northern Italy and processed in Italy by our customers, is subjected to particular industrial transformation processes and is a perfectly safe product. The entire production process is controlled according to the strictest hygienic-sanitary protocols with the help of high temperatures, in regularly sanitized environments and with the use of periodically sterilized machinery.

In the previous weeks, EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) also reassured that there is no evidence that food is the source of possible virus transmission (the full article: Our tomato and its derivatives are products that distinguish the goodness and quality of Made in Italy all over the world.

This is for us a message and a way to highlight the great commitment of Italian fruit and vegetable companies, trying to stimulate the internal market to recognize the professionalism and dedication of the fruit and vegetable sector.

On the Facebook page of Italia Ortofrutta ( the post created for the communication campaign has been published. We ask you, to amplify the message, to share it together with the hashtag#iocomproitaliano, because as always, union is strength and our Union is the strongest of all and will also overcome this moment of difficulty.

Together we will do it!

ASIPO Agricultural Cooperative Society