Contrary to what one might believe, sustainability is a topic that has always been a priority for the agricultural industry and our members.
Sustainability is seen from a broad perspective and under its various aspects: environmental, ethical and social and health.
All this acknowledging farmer the right price for this precious job of safeguarding so many aspects and therefore we must not forget the economic sustainability of our companies.
For several years most of our members have been using low environmental impact techniques:
The techniques used which bring water exactly where it is needed, in the necessary quantity for the plant and with the least possible waste: watering with the hose.

The techniques provided by Integrated Production allow the product to be cultivated in a sustainable way for the environment, minimizing the supply of synthetic substances and preserving natural resources at all production phases: tillage, fertilisation, irrigation and protection from adverse phytosanitaries.
The branch invests important resources in innovating cultivation methods.
Only products that are safe for consumers’ health are harvested and become the raw material for client industries.
We do not forget one of the most important components, people: the workers in our industry are hired according to the law and protected in their health, safety and welfare.