Page updated on 23/08/2024
ASIPO incorporates the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/01 and subsequent amendments (hereinafter 231), which has introduced in our legal system the administrative liability of the entity (understood as a legal entity), if crimes are committed, by people who occupy senior or subordinate roles in the entity, in its interest or for its benefit.
We have therefore taken action to implement a Management and Control Form according to Legislative Decree 231.
The interested parties involved in the ASIPO Form 231 are first and foremost the shareholding structure (the Shareholders), the Governing bodies, the Supervisory body, the Supervisory board, the employees, collaborators, partners, suppliers, Verification and Certification bodies and/or Accreditation bodies, the Public Authorities and the community in general.
The Management and Control Form and its annexes, the ASIPO Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Compliance Policy are official documents approved by the Board of Directors and shared in the ASIPO shareholders’ meeting.
The updated documents are available on the company noticeboard in the ASIPO offices in Parma and Piacenza and on the website
A special independent Supervisory Board has also been established on the company’s behalf to verify compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/01.
Our values
The VALUES and corporate culture that distinguish ASIPO are based on:
- The widespread, convinced and shared compliance with a work ethicthat complies with the voluntary and mandatory rules. Which the entity respectively has chosen to apply when performing its activities.
- The ambition to be measured with the actual goals achieved through its work in compliance with the Shareholders’ needs and the organisation’s ability to always be “in compliance” concerning its regulatory perimeter. With particular reference to the aspects of its workers’ health and safety protection, environmental protection, data relating to the protection and proper data and compliance processing and compliance with the data relating to the proper company’s administrative management.
- The ability to provide its Shareholders with proposals and technical and technological organisational solutions up to the evolution of the industry and markets, in a logic of business continuity over time, directed towards maximum Shareholder satisfaction.
Code of Ethics and of Conduct
We consider ethical behaviour a fundamental basis for our supply chain development and an essential element in increasing our industry’s trust towards all interested parties and the company as a whole.
The Code of Ethics and Conduct that we have adopted is a tool to achieve the strategic goals defined by our organisation. To be applied without exception, to all Shareholders, members of the Governing Body, the Supervisory Body, the Supervisory Board and employees and collaborators who directly work in ASIPO.
External ASIPO collaborators and suppliers and subcontractors, partners and outsourcers and also required to observe this Code when dealing with, or acting on behalf of, ASIPO in any capacity and at any level, towards, stakeholders.
ASIPO has defined its “Compliance Policy” of our Form 231.
This document defines the strategic objectives of our company based on the business and context of our organisation.
The primary objective defined is the satisfaction of the Customer/shareholder’s expectation; in particular, the service quality provided, obtained through a constant effort at each stage of the business process, is the key to pursuing this strategic goal.
The relationship of trust between ASIPO and the interested parties is protected thanks to the appointment of the Supervisory Body.
In implementation of the Directive (EU) 2019/1937, the Legislative Decree no. 24/2023 was issued concerning “the protection of people who report violations of Union law and containing provisions regarding the protection of people who report violations of national regulations”.
This legislation provides for the possibility of reporting significant conduct, offenses or violations pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 committed within the Company and of which one has become aware during working hours or in a working context. The aim is to guarantee the confidentiality of the whistleblower and protect the whistleblower from any retaliatory conduct (e.g. mobbing, demotions, dismissals) which, if carried out, are null and void.
In order to comply with the innovations introduced by the aforementioned Legislative Decree 24/2023, ASIPO has therefore taken steps to establish an internal reporting channel for the transmission of reports which guarantees the protection of confidentiality pursuant to the above and has also adopted a specific Whistleblowing Procedure, as well as identifying a Manager of any reports that may arrive via the activated internal channel.
The Supervisory Body is therefore required to guarantee the confidentiality of the whistleblower and manage the report in compliance with the law.
Internal reports must be made through one of the following alternative channels and can also be made anonymously:
- in written form using IT methods by accessing the platform available at the following link;
- in oral form via the telephone line specifically provided at nr. 0521/1260002, following the instructions of the registered voice;
- through a meeting with the Manager that must be specifically requested by the whistleblower when completing the “Description of facts” on the platform at the following link.