The tomato supply chain in comparison
The tomato supply chain in comparison.
On our Youtube channel is available the last episode taken from “A cielo aperto – Con i frutti della terra” of 27/12/2020.
Our President Brusatassi Gianni and the Head of the Technical Department Previati Davide participated in this special episode about the industrial tomato system.
The question that we all ask ourselves is: What are the proposals to improve our tomato system?
Together with them they participated:
Tiberio Rabboni President at OI Pomodoro da industria del Nord Italia
Fabio Girometta Head of tomato sector at CIA Emilia Romagna
Eugenio Zedda manager at Confagricoltura Emilia Romagna
Aldo Rodolfi president at Rodolfi Mansueto Spa
Our President Gianni Brusatassi and our Technician Manager Davide Previati talked about the future of our field in the Agrimpresa Magazine SPECIAL EDITION “INDUSTRIAL TOMATO 2020”.
Download the magazine and read the article at page 9 and 10.
Tomato. Good For You, Good For Research - 2020 Edition

The tomato is a good and healthy product. A sustainable supply chain attentive to the social issue.
We have decided to support the “Tomato. Good for you, good for research” promoted by the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, ANICAV (Associazione Nazionale Industriali Conserve Alimentari Vegetali) and RICREA (Consorzio Nazionale Riciclo e Recupero Imballaggi Acciaio).
On 24 and 25 October hundreds of volunteers will be present in the main Italian squares to distribute a packs of 3 cans of tomatoes against a small donation. It will be used to support research against childhood cancer.
This third edition of project needs maximum support, more than ever, because there are too many children and adolescents who fall ill with cancer and increasingly advanced technologies are needed to help them.
On 24 and 25 October choose to support research, for a better world for you and for all the children who need your help now.
Choose to buy tomatoes, a product full of substances useful for our health, such as lycopene.
For more info and to know the complete and updated list of Italian squares, visit the website
Everything you want to know about processing tomatoe

The new video that we made during the last campaign is available on our YouTube channel. In this video our technicians tell you how the tomato is grown by our members and the peculiarities of our world and of this extraordinary culture. The tomato was born in Parma in the Food Valley and in centuries of history it has never ceased to surprise and excite us. 100% cultivated product in Italian territory, healthy and certified, cultivated by our members with love, respecting the environment, protecting workers and protecting consumers.
Interviewed by Agrimpresa, we talk about transplants started overcoming the difficulties of the moment
Guarantee the continuity of our field. This is the obiective that we have given ourselves together with our members in this difficult period caused by the Coronavirus. Our business has adapted and has never stopped. There are many problems at the moment: transplants have started slowly due to the risk of cold return and the lack of manpower. However, our members are continuing to work, to guarantee the supply of processing tomatoes for the next collection, protecting the safety of their employees. Our Head of the Technical Department Previati Davide talks about it on the number 5 of Agrimpresa outgoing in May and available at this link
ASIPO adheres to the #iocomproitaliano campaign

Dear consumer,
in this particular moment that involves all of us in facing an unprecedented health and social emergency, ASIPO adheres to the promotional campaign of Italia Ortofrutta ( ) and we are relaunching their message.
We are all even more committed to defending the work and profitability of agricultural businesses.
Our sector, today more than ever, become strategic for the protection of the country. The closure of borders and the limitation of mobility, in addition to the constant state of widespread danger, make it difficult not only human relationships, but also the development of the daily workload.
An effort that all producers are making to guarantee the Italians the fresh food necessary for an healthy and daily diet.
For this reason ASIPO has decided to participate in the awareness campaign launched by Italia Ortofrutta aimed at promoting the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables of Italian origin. Here the hastag: #iocomproitaliano that is the translation of #Ibuyitalian
We also want to reassure you that the tomato marketed by ASIPO, grown by our producers in the Northern Italy and processed in Italy by our customers, is subjected to particular industrial transformation processes and is a perfectly safe product. The entire production process is controlled according to the strictest hygienic-sanitary protocols with the help of high temperatures, in regularly sanitized environments and with the use of periodically sterilized machinery.
In the previous weeks, EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) also reassured that there is no evidence that food is the source of possible virus transmission (the full article: Our tomato and its derivatives are products that distinguish the goodness and quality of Made in Italy all over the world.
This is for us a message and a way to highlight the great commitment of Italian fruit and vegetable companies, trying to stimulate the internal market to recognize the professionalism and dedication of the fruit and vegetable sector.
On the Facebook page of Italia Ortofrutta ( the post created for the communication campaign has been published. We ask you, to amplify the message, to share it together with the hashtag#iocomproitaliano, because as always, union is strength and our Union is the strongest of all and will also overcome this moment of difficulty.
Together we will do it!
ASIPO Agricultural Cooperative Society
Project CREA – Results 1st year of work (2019)

The results of the first year of experimentation of project ” Innovative agronomic techniques to increase the dry substance content and the degree brix in industrial tomato” are available. The aim of the project is to study varieties and techniques of agronomic management to improve the raw material quality in terms of soluble solids content (degree brix) and total solids (dry residue).
In this project ASIPO collaborates with 10 other Producer Organizations and everyone are associated with the Italia Ortofrutta Unione Nazionale, for the National Strategy CMO in Fruit and Vegetables 2018-2022.
More information can be read on the project page.
Conference "Results of Pilot Project S.O.I.Q.P."

SSICA (Stazione Sperimentale per l’Industria delle Conserve Alimentari in Parma” and ASIPO (Associazione Interprovinciale Produttori Ortofrutticoli Società Agricola Cooperativa) organize a conference to present the results of pilot project “Experimentation of Integrated Holistic Quality System of Industrial Tomato (S.O.I.Q.P.)”, Operation 16.2.01 RDP Emilia-Romagna (F43 Supply Chain Project).
The conference will take place in the Sala Tricolore at Stazione Sperimentale per l’Industria delle Conserve Alimentari in Viale Tanara, 31/A in Parma, on Wednesday 26 February 2020.
Program (download the pdf)
9:30 AM – Registration
Opening of works
(Davide Previati – ASIPO)
RDP supply chain project of ASIPO
(Luca Quintavalla – EUROFIN)
Presentation of the experimental protocol of the RDP plan
(Luca Sandei – SSICA)
Varietal adaptability to different agronomic contexts
(Massimiliano Beretta – ISI Sementi)
Characterization of molecules related to general quality and flavor
(Luca Sandei – SSICA)
Discussion and conclusions
(Davide Previati – ASIPO)
12:30 AM – Closing of works
For information call: SSICA +39 0521 795257 – ASIPO +39 0521 241005.
Tomato World, February 20-21, 2020

The “Tomato World – Professional Days on the industrial tomato system” will take place in Piacenza from 20 to 21 February, 2020.
The exhibition will be a great opportunity to schedule many meetings amongs the actors in the tomato supply chain. Everyone interested can find more information about the program at: