Happy Holidays!

Auguri Natale 2022

With this poster we wish all our members, customers, suppliers and all our collaborators happy holidays.

Our offices will close on December 23rd and we will reopen on January 9th!

Our Company’s commitment to the community continues through donations to the pediatric ward of the “Carlo Poma” hospital in Mantua and the pediatric ward of the “Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova” hospital in Reggio Emilia for the purchase of equipment and machinery to support hospitalized children.

22/10/2022: Special variety test field

Episode taken from TV Parma “Agricoltura e Dintorni” of 22/10/2022.

In the course of 2022 we set up a field demonstration of tomato variety elongated type in Parma and Podenzano (PC).

For some years now we have approached these niche varieties requested by some of our customer industries, just to anticipate the times and choose the best varieties that can be adapted to our territory. The Head of the Technical Department Davide Previati and the Technician Simone Ori explain the work we have done in this video.

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09/11/2022: End of the 2022 campaign and tomato processing

Episode taken from “A cielo aperto – Con i frutti della terra” of 11/09/2022

In the first part of the new episode of “A cielo aperto – Con i Frutti della Terra” on 11/09/2022 with Claudio Ferri there are our Head of the Technical Department Davide Previati and the partner Carlo Ghisoni.

With Davide and Carlo we make the synthesis of the tomato campaign, the production expectations and yields and the difficulties that characterized this year.

In the second part with Claudio Ferri there are the industrial director Fabio Delmiglio and Achille Ghisoni Purchasing Manager of the Greci Industria Alimentare.

This opportunity allows us to know closely a historical reality of the province of Parma and the process of processing tomatoes for industry.

Discover all this in the new episode!

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17/07/2022: Special 2022 tomato harvest campaign

Episode taken from “A cielo aperto – Con i frutti della terra” of 17/07/2022

In the new episode of ” A cielo aperto – Con i Frutti della Terra ” of 17/07/2022 with Claudio Ferri there are our Head of the Technical Department Davide Previati and our members Aimi Andrea and Aimi Sara.

In this special episode we talk about a niche product, that perhaps not everyone knows, the “cherry tomato”: a fruit that stands out for its superior quality and organoleptic characteristics compared to the round tomato.

In the clip, we see it in the highlight of the production cycle: the harvest of these fruits that begins in these days and will end at the end of September.

Do you know ASIPO tomatoes? Have you ever seen or tasted it?

It is incredible that you do not know, because it is a product obtained from our passion and our work, 100% of Italian origin, respecting the environment, protecting workers in the supply chain and protecting consumers!

Find out in this new episode!

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National varietal comparison project for industrial tomatoes

Since 2019 ASIPO participates in the Research and Experimentation project entitled “NATIONAL VARIETAL COMPARISON PROJECT FOR INDUSTRIAL TOMATOES AND TO INCREASE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY OF CULTIVATION BY REDUCING WATER CONSUMPTION AND INTRODUCING BIODEGRADABLE MULCH” in collaboration with 12 other Organization of Fruit and Vegetable Producers (OP), together with CREA – Council for research in agriculture and the analysis of the agricultural economy with the Horticulture and Nursery Research Center – Pontecagnano office (CREA OF) and to our National Union – Italia Ortofrutta.

In the images you can see the inspections of the past few days at our experimental field in Felino (PR). During the visits was also carried out the test of deficit irrigation for biodegradable mulch.

More information about the project is available at this link››

Pomodoro da industria
Italia Ortofrutta

A new identity

The last months we announced a contest open to the students of Liceo Artistico Statale Paolo Toschi in Parma to realize of our new brand.
A project that involved and stimulated us and that allowed us to reward three young students for their commitment and passion they have reserved for us.
You can begin to see our new brand on our fields and as soon as on the overall corporate communication.
The tomato cultivated by ASIPO is 100% of Italian origin and cultivated according to the most rigorous standards of food safety and sustainability. We cultivate it with love, respecting the environment, workers and consumers and deliver it to the processing tomatoes industries that will transform our product in the tomato sauce and pulp which are used every day in kitchens all over the world.
We would like to thank all the students of the fifth and third class who participated, hoping in the future to have other opportunities to work with students and schools to let them to know our world and the tomato industry supply chain.
Furthermore, we would like to thank our technician Selena Sarli who followed the whole project in these months.

ASIPO for the social

ASIPO per il sociale

Last December we allocated 5,000.00 euros to the Pediatric Unit of the Parma Hospital  and 5,000.00 euros to the Pediatric Unit of the Piacenza Hospital for the purchase of medical equipment.

These donations were accepted with successive Management Determination n. 08 of 08.02.2022 of the ASL of Piacenza and the company protocol at n. 52534 of 23.12.2021 and subsequently supplemented with a note registered at n. 52847 of 27.12.2021 of the Hospital of Parma.

Our company takes care the need of our community. For this reason we decided to give this contribution to our territory, to do our part to support the development and improvement of our society.

Among the various important social issues we decided to focus on the world of childhood and, in particular, on the pediatric diseases. For this reason our donation has gone to our hospitals as a contribution to purchase the necessary equipment to assist young patients and treat them in the best possible way.

02/05/2022 – Focus on the breeding of tomato seedlings

The Head of the Technical Office of ASIPO Davide Previati is visiting SOC.AGR. RAVASINI GIANNI E GIACOMO S.S. in Torrile (PR) and together with him in this episode of “Agricoltura e dintorni” we analyze the process of breeding tomato seedlings for industry in a reality that breeds 40 million tomato seedlings covering over 1000 hectares.

Discover the video on our YouTube channel!

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24/04/2022 – Nursery breeding and tomato transplantation

In the new episode of “ A cielo aperto  – Con i Frutti della Terra ” of 24/04/2022 together with Claudio Ferri there are our Head of the Technical Department Davide Previati and Davide Pezzali who is the owner of the nursery Tomato Nursery and one of our members.

In the episode we tell you about the production chain of tomato seedlings intended for transplanting in the field by our members. How long does the cycle of cultivation of tomato seedlings last? What are the phases that characterize the production of tomato seedlings? What technologies are used to ensure the quality of the seedlings to be transplanted?

In the second part, we go to see live the phase of transplantation of tomato seedlings for industry.

This is one of the most critical phases of the tomato production process. New technologies allow to facilitate and improve the uniformity and quality of transplantation thanks to automatic transplanting machines. In the episode we can see one of these machines at work.

But what are the costs of these machines? What are the difficulties that our members have to face in this campaign?

Find out in this new episode!

Discovering our world – The Members

Our members are the vital component of our association.

Because every day “we cultivate with love, respecting the environment, protecting workers and safeguarding consumers”, to obtain a very high quality product for our customers.